Leading and Learning in wash

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WASH GFE Descriptions

Applied Practical Experience (APE) allow students to apply the skills and knowledge they have gained through their first year at the Rollins School of Public Health in real world settings around the globe. Students typically undertake international work during the summer between years one and two of their degree program.

Each year, the Center for Global Safe WASH presents students with dozens of opportunities to complete their APE on a WASH-related topic. Working with our CGSW Core Faculty and external partner organizations, students identify and develop applied or research-related projects that are allow students to gain invaluable practical experience while making important and tangible contributions to their host organizations success.  Also, many students use the data they collect to complete their ILE (Integrative Learning Experience)

For current opportunities please use Handshake 

For more information about the Rollins Applied Practical Experience , please click here:

Here are a few examples of the important work that our students complete during their WASH APE’s:
Updated 2024

Lawrence Dela Cruz
Influence of Parasitic and Helminths Co-Infection on Clinical and Latent Leprosy

Jordan Honeycutt
Formative Research to Assess Feasibility of Greywater Reuse for Homestead Food Production in Rural Odisha, India

Kainalu Bailey
Formative Research to Inform a Household Food Production and Greywater re-use Intervention for Improved Nutrition in Rural Odisha, India

Michael Horner-Ibler
CARE Guatemala
3 Part Process Evaluation for Projects within Agua+ Program

Amanda Gaylord
University of Venda
Assessing the impact of point-of-use water treatment interventions on cognitive functioning among children 5 years or younger in Limpopo, South Africa

Lilly O’Brien
WE Consult
Applications of data quality assurance in a matched-control study on access to water and infant health in Beira, Mozambique

Jordan Brands
Health Impact of Manual Pit Latrine Emptiers

Dominique Brown
Children of the Nations International/Uganda
Anai-Okii Baseline WASH Assessment

Bianca Corpuz
WaterAid Cambodia
CGSW Advisor: Dr. Pengbo Liu
Studying the Efficacy of Behavior Change Interventions in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia

Kari Kviten
Children of the Nations/Domincan Republic
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Advisor

Hannah Lawinger
Children of the Nations/Ngolala, Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone Children of the Nations WASH and PPI Assessment

Dennis Nichols
Georgia Tech School of Civil and Environmental Engineering – Brown Water Lab
A Geospatial Analysis of Aerosolized Enteric Pathogens in relation to Wastewater Flows in La Paz, Bolivia

Erin Salvaggio
WaterAid Cambodia
CGSW Advisor: Dr. Joanne McGriff
Sustainabilty of Safe Water Provision at 10 Cambodian Hospitals

Joshua Siar
The Torres Martinez Native American Tribe/Thermal CA, USA
CGSW Advisor:
Water and Air Quality Intern

Diamond Spratling
WaterAid, Cambodia
CGSW Advisor: Dr. Joanne McGriff
Joining Forces: Strengthening Partnerships between the WASH and Gender Sectors in Cambodia

Lisa Emerson
Gondor, Ethiopia – University of Gondor
CGSW Faculty:  Dr. Jessica Fairley
An Epidemiologic Study on Leprosy and Helminth Co-infections in Gondar, Ethiopia: Assessing the the Burden of Disease and the Implications for Leprosy Transmission

Pornpimol Kodsup
CGSW Faculty:  Dr. Matt Gribble
Parental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices influencing Children’s Lead Exposure in a Commercial Fishing Community and Understanding Lead Exposures and their Predictors using Human Biomonitoring in Southern Thailand

Breanna Pennings
CGSW Faculty:  Dr. Karen Levy
Household Environmental Sampling in Northern Coastal Ecuador

Prior WASH GFE’s

Shanon Smith
El Alto, Bolivia
CGSW Faculty: Dr. Juan Leon, Hubert Department of GLobal Health
Rotavirus Shedding Prevalence Among Infants in Bolivia Based on Nutritional Status

Raghuraj Kasturi
Kapilavastu, Nepal
CGSW Faculty:  Dr. Matthew Freeman, Environmental Health
An assessment of Save the Children’s menstrual hygiene management training program for focal teachers

Conner Wingerter
Congo Democratic Republic Of (was Zaire)
CGSW Affiliated Faculty: Dr. Robert Brieman, Hubert Department of Global Health
Water Quality Testing Workshop and Kit Distribution

Forest Altherr
Piura, Peru
CGSW Faculty: Dr. Karen Levy, Environmental Health
Inventigation fo the Community Composition fo the Gut Microbiome in Piura, Peru

Jessica Albinett
Dhaka, Bangladesh
CGSW Faculty: Dr. Tom Clasen, Evironmental Health
Adaptive Capacity to Urban Flooding and WASH Practices in Dhaka City Slums

For more examples of WASH GFE’s, click here  and enter “water”, “sanitation”, or “hygiene” in the search box.

For information on hosting an Emory student for a global field experience, please click here.

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